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據官方記錄,華人移民美國已有226年的歷史 1788-2014 |
Official record shows Chinese immigration to
U.S. has 226 years
of history. |
亞省華人人口統計資料 |
Total Population in Arizona |
亞省華人占亞省人口總數不到1%。但對社會有不少的貢獻 |
Chinese-Americans accounted for less than 1% of
the Arizona total population between 1880 and
1950, but they still made great contributions to
the society.
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在二次大戰中有79位華人子弟參軍保家衛國,其中有三位是空軍戰士。 |
During World War II, seventy-nine Chinese-Americans in Arizona joined
the military to defend the country. Among five died, three of them were
from the U.S. Air Force. |
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其中有4位參加過飛虎隊。鄧桐臻1941年赴中國抗日前線,轉位華人參加中美空軍第十四航空飛虎,轉戰昆明、桂林、成都。 |
Albert Ong (鄧桐臻),
one of the four
Chinese-Americans who joined the U.S.
Fourteenth Air
Flying Tigers, went
China in 1941 and
fought against the Japanese in
Kunming, Guilin and
Chengdu. |
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關衛理去過中國訓練軍隊,在緬甸打擊日本軍隊,他在軍中服役20年,軍階中校,是本州華人最高軍階者。 |
William K. Toy
went to
to train troops and
the Japanese
in Myanmar. He
20 years
in the military
and became
Lieutenant Colonel.
William held the highest military rank among
all the Chinese -American soldiers from
Arizona. |
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鄧粵鈿四兄弟先後當兵,他參加過多次日夜轟炸作業,包括著名的諾曼底登陸戰。 |
Henry Ong (鄧粵鈿),
one of the 4 brothers who were all in the
military, participated in a number of 24-hour
bombing operations including the famous Normandy
Landing. |
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鄧悅寧1946年當選為亞利桑那州的眾議員,是第一位在美國第一位華人州眾議員,1966年鄧悅寧再次當選為兩屆亞利桑那州的州議員。 |
鄧心平,1962年通過競選成為亞利桑那州高等法院大法官,是美國第一位華人大法官。70年代未經卡特總統提名,出任聯邦巡迴法庭大法官。 |
Thomas Tang (鄧心平),
as the Arizona Supreme Court Chief Judge in
1962, was
the first Chinese-American
who had become a Chief Justice in U.S. In
late 1970s,
he was nominated by
President Carter
as Judge of
Federal Circuit
Court. |
鄧達明1955年開始從政,1979年當選皮奧利亞市長,並連任三屆至1985年。 |
Edmund Tang (鄧達明)
entered politics in 1955, was elected
of Peoria
in 1979
and served on the
position for three consecutive terms until
1985. |
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鄧偉利,1988年至1989年出任美莎市副市長,1993年當選美莎市市長。 |
Willie Wong (鄧偉利)
served as Deputy Mayor of Mesa from 1988 to
1989, and was elected Mayor of Mesa in 1993. |
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黃仕鈞,1993年起先後四次出任亞利桑那州眾議員,任職長達8年,是亞利桑那州有史以來第二位進入州議會的華人。 |
Barry Wong (黃仕鈞)
has served as a member of the Arizona State
Representatives for four consecutive terms
since 1993. Wang is the second
Chinese-American who has entered the state
legislature in Arizona history.
周雅定,2005年成為鳳凰凰城市政法院第一位華裔女性審判長。 |
Song Ong (周雅定)
is the first female Chinese-American
who became the Chief Presiding Judge
of Phoenix Municipal Court in 2005. |
鄧鼎奇,2009年當上亞利桑那州Superior市市長。鄧高密公所主席頒發獎牌。 |
Dingqi Deng (鄧鼎奇),
elected Mayor of Superior, Arizona in 2009,
received an award from Jim Tang, President of
Ong Ko Met Family Association of Phoenix.
余艷芬,2010年被選為亞利桑那州眾議員,是本省首位華裔女性眾議員。 |
Kimberly Yee (余艷芬),
elected to the State House in 2010, is
the first female Chinese-American who
has become State Assemblywoman in
Arizona. |
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余文勁,華人社區的資深僑領,備受主流社會敬重的華人代表,一生為僑民服務,2011年榮獲僑聯頒發的"服務僑社終身成就獎"。 |
John M. Yee (余文勁)
has served the Chinese-American
community throughout his live. He
has been widely recognized as a
senior and well-respected leader
both in the Chinese-American
community and mainstream society.
In 2011, he was named recipient of
the Lifetime Outstanding Community
Service Award by the Chinese United
Association of Greater Phoenix (CUAGP). |
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鄧朝駒,四屆僑聯主席。曾代表本州華人參加香港和澳門回歸大典,並由前總統布殊任命為白宮亞太裔委員。 |
Gray Ong (鄧朝駒),
four times President of the Chinese
United Association of Great Phoenix,
was appointed by President Bush as a
member of President’s Advisory
Commission on Asian Americans and
Pacific Islanders. He attended the
Hong Kong and Macao Handover
Ceremonies on behalf of Arizona
Chinese communities. |