












Of the Arizona Chinese History Association

Chapter I. Name and Purpose

Article 1.1- The name of the Association is: Arizona Chinese History Association (hereinafter referred to as the Association). The Chinese equivalent of this name is as follows:


Hereinafter, for this and any other formal purposes, the organization shall be referred to as “ACHA.”

Article 1.2- The Association’s mailing address shall be located in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona as may be from time to time determined by the Board of Directors. As of the current date, it is:

28254 North 32nd Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85083

Article 1.3- ACHA shall be a non-profit organization under the laws of the State of Arizona.


Article 1.4- The purpose ACHA is to study and preserve the history of Chinese Americans, particularly Chinese Americans in Arizona, and to promote the exchange of historical and cultural research with other associations and public at large.

Chapter ii. Membership and Members’ Right and duties

Article 2.1- Membership Qualification

A qualified member is one who:

1-    Shares the purpose of ACHA stated above;

2-    Has expertise or strong interest in history, culture, and literature;

3-    Is willing to contribute in different forms to support this Association;

4-    Pays membership fees, the amount of which will be decided by the board of Directors.

5-    Applies and shall be approved by the simple majority of the Board of Directors.

Article 2.2.1- Members’ Right and Duties

Any Member, after admission, shall have the right to participate in all activities, to attend meetings, to vote, and to run for any offices of the association.

2.2.2- The membership fee for general members is $20, and $100 for members of the Board of Directors.

Article 2.3-Termination of Membership

2.3.1- Members of the Association may resign at any time by written notice of resignation to the Board of Directors.

2.3.2- The Board of Directors reserves the right to issue an advise to a member to resign from the Association for conducts that are in violation to these Bylaws or decisions made by the Association or Board of Directors.

2.3.3- All membership fees collected are not refundable.

Chapter III. governance

Article 3.1-The governance of the Association shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors and the Executive Team. The operation of the Association shall be managed by the Executive Team under the supervision of the Board of Directors.

Article 3.2- The Board of Directors shall be the highest decision making body of the Association. Ordinary duties of the Board of Directors shall include (but not limited to): enacting amending, and interpreting the Bylaws and rules; approving the Executive Team appointments, appointment of Advisors; ensuring activities are in line with the mission of the Association; and administering general conferences and elections.

Article 3.3- Election of Board of directors and President:

 Article 3.3.1- The number of Directors shall be nine (9), which may be increased or decreased from time to time by two thirds majority of the Board of Directors.

Article 3.3.2- The President and members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by voting of all members at a general conference.

Article 3.3.3- The term of the President and members of the Board of Directors shall be two years and may be re-elected for many terms with no limit.

3.3.4- The President elected will organize the executive team with the approval of the Board of directors.

Article 3.4- Meeting of the Board of Directors

3.4.1- Meetings of the Board of Directors can be called by:

1. The Chairperson of the Board of Directors, or

2. One half of the members of the Board of Directors, or

3. Two thirds of the Advisors, or

4. 20% of the members of the Association.

Article 3.4.2- All members should be noticed at least five days before the board meeting, and a simple majority present shall constitute a quorum.

Article 3.5- The Executive Team

Article 3.5.1- The Executive Team shall be formed by the President Elected with the approval of the Board of Directors.

Article 3.5.2- The Executive Team shall carry out the operation of the Association.


亞省華人歷史協會(Arizona Chinese History Association )   章程         

第一條  本會名稱為:亞省華人歷史協會 (Arizona Chinese History Association ) (以下簡稱協會)。

第二條  協會為依法設立之團體,非以營利為目的。報經政府201710 16函準予備查。

第三條  本會以研究和整理亞省華人歷史為宗旨,促進歷史和文化方面的交流。

第四條  本會之任務如下:1.研究和整理亞省華人歷史 , 2.發掘美国華人的歷史貢獻 , 把華人事蹟發揚光大,3.贊助成員展開研究,4.舉辦有關講座、展覽等活動,5.出版與華人歷史有關之書籍或 雜誌。

第五條   會員入會資格:認同本會宗旨、具有歷史文化專長,以及熱心支持本會人士,填具入會申請,經理事會通過,並繳納會費後成為會員。

第六條   會員均享有表決權、選舉權、被選舉權與罷免權。 

第七條   協會成立9人常務理事會,由大會通過。

第八條   會員大會為最高權力機構;理事會為執行機構,協會細則由常務理事會擬訂。

第九條   常務理事會之職權如下:   一、審議會員入會之資格。二、議決會員大會之召開事項。


第十條   會員有違反法令、章程或不遵守會員大會決議時,協會理事會有權劝其退會。

第十一條  會員經出會或退會,已繳納之各項費用不予退還。

第十二條  常務理事中選舉一人為會長、一人為副會長。會長對內綜理會務,對外代表本會。


第十三條  會長任期兩年。常務理事任期兩年,可連選連任。

第十四條   視會務需要,由理事會聘請榮譽顧問,其聘期與常務理事任期同。

第十五條   本會經費來源:一、入會費:常務理事繳納$100,普通會員$20。二、會員捐款。三、委託收益。

第十六條  本章程未規定事項,悉依有關法令規定辦理。本會辦事細則,由理事會訂定之。



