Reflecting on 42 Years of CUAGP Accomplishments 1968 -1978 After the establishment of CUAGP, the observance of the Independence of the United States on July 4th was immediately celebrated in a grand and colorful manner; on one especially joyful occasion, the Governor of Arizona personally attended. Indeed, with 9 Beauty Pageants in the ten years of this decade, this period could be deemed the Era of Miss Phoenix Chinese United. 1978-1988 CUAGP focused active support on the establishment of a Chinese Senior Citizens Center, soliciting donors for both funds and effort. In 1981 a facility for the Center was completed and opened to serve the community. Immediately afterwards, CUAGP turned its efforts to the establishment of a senior housing project, the Hong Ning House; leadership in this drive was personally provided by the CUAGP President who served as the President of the Board of Directors for Hong Ning. With the general assistance of the community, a loan of $2.4 million was obtained to purchase the land involved, qualifying to obtain an grant $1.3 million from the U.S. Federal Government [Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)] and Hong Ning House was constructed. 1988-1998 CUAGP applied to the Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission of the Republic of China for $70,000, of which $40,000 was dedicated to establish the Phoenix Chinese School. Later in the sizzling heat of our summer season, CUAGP leadership solicited an additional $70,000 in donations to expand the campus facilities of the School. By 1994, it was also clear that the Chinese Senior Citizens Center had outgrown its available space, so CUAGP be sought the support through every segment of the entire overseas Chinese and $224,000 was raised to double the capacity of the Center. 1998-2010 During this period, CUAGP strenuously promoted the Phoenix Chinese Week events held at the COFCO (Chinese Cultural Center, in east Phoenix). Additionally, CUAGP focused attention [of the community] for relief donations related the September 11, 2001 [terrorist attack], the Taiwan September 21st flood, and the great Sichuan earthquake. In 2008, CUAGP helped the Chinese Senior Citizens Association applied for further US HUD grant of $5,000,000 to established the Hong Lok Senior Housing Project .As of this year, construction of this Project has begun. 鳳凰城僑聯總會年度紀事錄 (2009年7月—2010年6月) 1.僑聯總會舉辦慶祝美國國慶和選美,楊默蕾當選2009年度華裔小姐。(2009年7月) 2. 僑聯總會推動台灣88水災捐款活動。(2009年8月) 3.鳳凰城華人僑胞隆重舉行升旗典禮,慶祝新中國成立60周年華誕。(2009年10月) 4. 康樂大廈進行破土動工典禮。(2009年11月) 5. 曾獲1973年華商小姐稱號,現任鳳凰城市政大法官的周雅定(Roxanne Song)榮獲2009年度全美亞裔律師公會開拓者稱譽。(2009年12月) 6. 僑聯成員中餐館會給無家居者送上免費食物。(2009年12月) 7. 中餐館會參加鳳凰城花車大游行。(2010年1月) 8. 中華文化周開幕。(2010年2月) 9. 僑聯總會選舉出2010年度新班子,由鄧朝駒擔任主席。(2010年3月) 10. 僑聯總會成員參加2010年龍舟大賽。(2010年4月) 11. 斐匿中文學校舉行學生結業典禮。(2010年5月) 12.僑聯總會組織選美佳麗前往吐桑展開文化之旅,并到慈濟參加愛心活動。(2010 年5月) 13.僑聯總會召開新移民法座談會,并邀請到瑪利柯巴檢察長和鳳凰城警察局長列席報告。(2010年6月) 14.選美佳麗和僑聯義工們開展公益活動,到八號公共電視台接聽籌款電話。(2010年6月)
鳳凰城僑聯總會成立四十二周年盛事回顧 (1968…1978):僑聯總會成立後,慶祝美國國慶活動辦得規模盛大和十分出色,連州長亦親臨現場參加,國慶成為全僑歡聚最快樂的節日。這十年期間辦過九次選美,是一個女皇輩出的年代。 (1978…1988):七十年代末,僑聯總會積極支持創辦華人耆英中心,發動善長仁翁出錢出力,耆英中心新厦於1981年落成。之後又籌建康寧大厦,由僑聯主席親任建樓董事長,建樓小組發動僑民成立資助團,借貸到廿四萬元,買下建樓土地,並向聯邦政府争取到一百卅多萬的撥款,建起了康寧大厦。 (1988…1998):八十年代後期,僑聯向國府僑委會争取到七萬元撥款,又從建樓款項中提出四萬元,興建起斐匿中文學校,為擴建校舍,僑聯領導冒着酷暑四處奔波籌到七萬多元,把中文學校再度擴建。1994年,華人耆英會所已不敷使用,僑聯總會發動全僑募捐,總共籌到廿九萬四千元,并在各方資助下把原來的耆英會擴充了一倍以上的面積。 (1998…2010):僑聯努力催生中國週,支持興建中國城,并發起捐助九一一,台灣九二一賑災,捐助四川大地震賑災等各種公益活動。2008年,僑聯協助耆英會向聯邦政府申請到五百萬元的撥款來興建康樂大厦,目前大厦興建完畢。